How To Pass A Drug Test

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It's a common question on the Internet - how do I pass a drug test? The Internet is constantly on fire with such questions. Here is an example of one such question from Yahoo Answers:
If I take my home drug test right when I wake up and pass, is it possible to fail later on? I have a drug test tomorrow and the last time I smoked was exactly a week ago. It was barely half a blunt and there was two people smoking it, so I know I didn't smoke a lot. And the last time I smoked before that was like a month and a half ago. I home tested myself 2 days ago and it was negative, but my pee was semi-clear since I've been downing a lot of water and I happened to drink a glass of ice tea so I'm afraid I diluted it which caused my home test to be negative. However I bought another test and am planning on taking it right when I wake up since that's when pee is most concentrated.
Of course, some people will say never smoke in the first place. This is of course not exactly helpful advice to someone who has already smoked. But I read plenty of posts detailing ways people are trying to pass tests, through drinks, replacement urine, hair cleansing, etc. People ask each other "Will X or Y work?" [caption id="attachment_313" align="alignright" width="120" caption="Marijuana - Photo by Ryan Bushby"]Marijuana - Photo by Ryan Bushby[/caption] Well, my advice - find out! It's extremely easy to do so with a home drug test. The point of home drug testing is to bring laboratory accuracy into the home. People do strange things to avoid failing a drug test (drinking vinegar comes to mind - yuck!)
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