
This is where Home Health Testing talks about stuff related to our industry!

Dealing With Stress: Your Heart Health

by | Monday, September 20, 2010 |

Relaxing For Your Heart Health While there is still some ambiguity about the manner in which stress increases the risk factors for heart disease, the empirical data does indicate that stress and heart disease are correlated in some manner. It is sometimes hypothesized that stress does not lead to heart disease directly but it exposes the body continuously to the onslaught of hormones like adrenalin and cortisol. It also increases the frequency of unhealthy actions like smoking, becoming...

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Why Employee Drug Test? A True Story

by | Thursday, September 16, 2010 |

[caption id="attachment_600" align="alignright" width="150" caption=" "][/caption] Part 1 Imagine you just hired what you thought was the perfect employee. You interviewed her several times on your own and with other staff and all of you had a great feeling about her. You called all of her professional and personal references and received nothing but positive feedback. She passed her writing and computer tests with flying colors and you know she really wants the job. It seems like a no-brainer!...

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Differences Between Cocaine And Crack Cocaine

by | Monday, September 13, 2010 |

Cocaine and crack cocaine are treated very differently in our society. Although they can both be tested for by the same test, they are treated quite differently by the criminal justice system. We take a look below at why this is so. Difference Number One: What They Look Like Cocaine and crack cocaine can generally be differentiated pretty easily just by what they look like. Crack cocaine is seen in "rock" form and looks like rocks or little nuggets. Cocaine is a white powder. Crack cocaine is...

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How many Americans have high cholesterol?

by | Wednesday, September 8, 2010 |

According to the American Heart Association more than 120 million American Adults (age 20 or older) have a total cholesterol level above 200mg/dL which is above healthy levels. An alarming number of children are also now developing high cholesterol. September is National Cholesterol Education Month which was launched by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) in 1985 to contribute to reducing the percentage of Americans with high blood cholesterol by raising awareness and understanding that...

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Marijuana, the Gateway Drug? Study Suggests Stress And Employment Status Matter More

by | Friday, September 3, 2010 |

It's commonly thought that marijuana is a "gateway drug" - that if a teen starts smoking marijuana, they will be more likely to use other illicit drugs. A new study suggests this may not be so, and other factors are more responsible for the transition to other illegal drugs. The study was conducted by sociologists from the University of New Hampshire on a little over 1200 teens from the Miami-Dade public school system. They found that teens who smoked pot and later moved onto other illegal...

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Deciding Whether Or Not A Hair Drug Test Is Right For You

by | Wednesday, September 1, 2010 |

Hair drug testing is one of the latest techniques that are being used to test for the presence of drugs in the system. The technology has been used by parents, corporations, and courts to determine if someone is or has been on drugs. While there are other samples that can be used to detect drugs in the system such as blood, urine, saliva and sweat, using a hair follicle for testing drug presence has specific advantages. But let's change things up a bit and first look at the criticism! The Main...

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