According to the American Heart Association more than 120 million American Adults (age 20 or older) have a total cholesterol level above 200mg/dL which is above healthy levels. An alarming number of children are also now developing high cholesterol.
September is
National Cholesterol Education Month which was launched by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) in 1985 to contribute to reducing the percentage of Americans with high blood cholesterol by raising awareness and understanding that high blood cholesterol is a risk factor for coronary heart disease. The NIH also released a book "
Your Guide to Lowering Your Cholesterol with Therapeutic Lifestyle Changes" or TLC. The recommended lifestyle changes to lower your cholesterol are diet, increased physical activity and weight management. The book is a good resource for heart healthy living.
In support of National Cholesterol Education Month, HomeHealthTesting.com is offering $3 off any cholesterol test with coupon code "heart3". We offer two different types of
home cholesterol tests which are easy to take and very affordable.