The Risk Alcohol Abuse Presents to Women

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It is a known fact that the male and female body in humans is different in many respects and it reacts to various substances in different ways. Alcohol is no different! Women are affected differently by alcohol as compared to men and therefore the acceptable level of drinking and intake are also different. The National Epidemiologic Survey on Alcohol Related Disorders conducted a study in conjunction with the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism in 2001-02 and found that 5.42 percent of males and 2.32 percent females in the US suffered from alcohol dependence. About 5 percent to 10 percent women suffer from alcoholism at some point in their lives in the US too. It was also stated that the average age when women start to consume alcohol is older than men. However, the speed at which women progress from the first drink to dependency is far higher. How are women affected by alcohol? Alcohol affects various parts of the body. It is known to have an adverse effect on the brain, the heart, the liver, the stomach, the skin, the reproductive organs and the overall weight profile. Excessive drinking is known to reduce the amount of brain tissue while increasing the size of the ventricles. Those dependent tend to neglect their diet leading to heart related issues due to vitamin deficiencies. Heavy drinking can irritate the stomach and as the alcohol depresses nerve reactions, it can also disrupt your sex life. However the most significant effects of alcohol are felt in the liver. Frequent intake and large quantities do not allow the liver cells to function properly. As Cirrhosis develops the liver tissue is unable to heal itself due to the constant consumption. Depending on the amount of alcohol that is consumed, it is said that the individual moves from a state of euphoria to excitement to confusion to stupor and lastly to coma and death. The effect of alcohol in women is different in women due to the lower levels water in their bodies as compared to men (compared for the same level of weight). This means that there is less availability of water for dilution in the body in the case of women. Therefore, the brain, liver and other parts of the body are exposed to a higher concentration of alcohol and toxicity. How much is too much for a woman? Alcohol abuse in women is defined differently than that for men. The dietary guidelines laid for women in the United States for moderate drinking are no more than one drink a day (a standard drink is defined as a 12 ounce bottle of beer, a 5 ounce glass of wine or a 1.5 ounce distilled alcohol) for women. A higher consumption is known to increase risk of accidents, injuries, high blood pressure, stroke, suicide and some types of cancer. Symptoms of alcohol abuse in women Alcohol abuse is a situation in which a woman starts to depend on alcohol to such an extent that she starts to harm herself and others. Missing work or failing to fulfill childcare responsibilities, drinking while driving, getting arrested for excessive drinking and aggressive behavior or continuing to drink despite family issues and tensions due to alcohol consumption are some of the symptoms of alcohol abuse in women. Social pressures increase alcohol abuse in women While men have been at the receiving end with regards to alcohol abuse and drinking and driving, a study conducted by U.S. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration found that the proportion of women involved in a drinking and driving accident increased among those in the 19+ age group. It is hypothesized that the high levels of demands from women in the modern world have increased and women are taking to alcohol for respite. Some women are known to drink excessively just to fit in! Make sure that you are moderating your alcohol use and not making any risky decisions by carrying an alcohol test with you when you decide to drink. It is the safest way to be sure you are sober and ready to go behind the wheel. - Anne Hamilton
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