This month is National Medicine Abuse Awareness Month. In that spirit we are going to focus on prescription drugs and prescription drug tests, such as our
Oxycodone Test. Keep reading to learn more about this dangerous drug, and look forward to a future installment on our
Xanax Drug Test.
If you are a parent and suspect drug use in your teenager, you may want to learn more about
oxycodone (popularly known by one its commercial names, OxyContin) the drug that is devastating communities across the country with its extremely dangerous and addictive effects on the user. It might surprise you that this painkiller can be abused in such a way that it affects the body like heroin. This dangerousness is one of the reasons we sell an
OxyContin Test.
According to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (
SAMHSA) when abused, OxyContin can be ingested, but also smoked, snorted, or injected. OxyContin is designed to slowly release oxycodone, but when abused in these ways the time-release mechanism is eliminated and the high is powerful and fast. Instead of feeling its effects over 12 hours you feel it immediately. Use can be detected as long as two to four days later by an Oxycodone Test. Withdrawal is extremely painful, as recounted in this
NPR report:
But just a week after he started using OxyContin, Ryan realized that if he didn't get a pill every day or two, he'd start to feel sick. So he kept using it. He says he had no idea how bad he was hooked until the next time he tried to stop.
"It was like somebody was inside of your head with a hammer," Ryan recalls. "You feel like you're going to die. Just laying there in the bed, sweat pouring off of you... Then five minutes later, you're freezing… then you'd be throwing up."
Prescription drug abuse results in a great number of overdoses, and leads to further drug use - as NPR
notes some OxyContin users turn to heroin for the same high.
OxyContin is not a drug to be taken lightly, which is why we offer an OxyContin Test that simultaneously tests for similar and similarly dangerous prescription drugs - it is a
Vicodin Test, and a Percocet and Percodan Home Drug Test too. If you are interested please visit
our page for this test for more resources.