Promoting HIV Awareness With Lady Gaga

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It's not everyday you have something in common with Lady Gaga, no?  Yet this week we found ourselves in that position, as pop stars Lady Gaga and Cyndi Lauper took to the airwaves to raise awareness for HIV/AIDS, especially the degree to which it effects women. Their campaign is part of an effort to support the M-A-C AIDS fund.  With cosmetics company M-A-C they have created a line of lipsticks, 100% of the profits of which will go to the AIDS fund. But why lipstick you ask?  Because they are trying to reach out to a younger generation of women who may go out with friends and not think about the importance of safe sex.  Instead of worrying about HIV/AIDS after the fact, keep it in mind at all times.  Too many segments of the population don't think as much as they should about it, as often the disease is thought of as a disease klonopintabs affecting needle users, gay men, and African-Americans "only."  But you don't have to be in a high-risk group to be at risk. It is important to make sure you are not at risk of spreading HIV/AIDS if you have had unprotected sex by HIV testing.  The CDC recommends that everyone gets tested annually regardless of risk.  You can get results quickly and anonymously from an FDA Approved Home HIV Test. The campaign of Lady Gaga and Cyndi Lauper comes at a great time.  Hopefully it will also give a boost to the efforts of National Black HIV/AIDS Awareness Day (link is to our blog about that event) as well. It's good to be in such good company on this very serious issue.  You can check out an interview with Cyndi Lauper and Lady Gaga here at ABC News.
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