New Reports on Lindsay Lohan Draw An Accurate Picture of Adderall's Dangers

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Although the wealth of reporting on Lindsay Lohan's continuing struggle with addiction never seems entirely (or even half) true, it has brought to light a lot of interesting information on drugs and drug use.  Take Adderall for example. Adderall has seeped into public consciousness over the past 25 years.  As a drug to deal with ADHD, it has been very popular and is frequently prescribed.  There are two types - IR and XR (instant release and extended release, respectively). Its misuse is also well known.  It is a popular study aid at many colleges to help students stay up and finish studying or writing a paper.  Some athletic organizations have banned its use.  This is a category of misuse one might call "performance enhancement." Lindsay Lohan's example, however, shows the real danger of the drug, which is after all just amphetamine, or speed.  A doctor specializing in addiction suggests "people who take Adderall when they don't need it can experience similar effects as people who use cocaine or methamphetamine." (source: TMZ via Jezebel) The story is that perhaps Lindsay Lohan was misdiagnosed with ADHD, and Adderall has not been having its intended effect for that reason. Adderall can work wonders for someone with ADHD, but for those without, it can create cocaine-like highs and cravings. Dr. Marc Kern says (at the Jezebel link) "Adderall can be a godsend for some with ADHD, it can also in some cases cause mania, hallucinations, paranoia, and "believing things that are not true." If you scan the comments to the article, you will find plenty of anecdotes about Adderall's misuse, and plenty of comparisons to cocaine. With prescription drugs, we may feel a false sense of security, but they are designed with specific medical issues in mind. I don't take Advil when I don't have a headache. It's important to remember the power of prescription drugs to affect our behavior and our health - in both positive ways (for those with prescriptions) and negative ones (for those without). (If you are concerned that someone you love has been abusing Adderall, please check out our Adderall Drug Test page, where you can purchase a safe and reliable home drug test).
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