New Drug Use Trends Among Teenage Girls Draw National Attention

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Teen Drug and Alcohol Abuse - New Trends among Teen Girls While the typical (some might say stereotypical) boisterous behavior and rituals that boys indulge in after drinking is notorious, it was found in a recent survey that teen girls are more susceptible to alcohol and drug abuse than boys. A study released by the Partnership for a Drug-Free America and the MetLife Foundation showed that self medicating was a relatively more common phenomenon among girls than boys. Reasons for Teen Drug Abuse and Teen Alcohol Abuse The reasons for alcohol consumption or drug abuse among teens seem to be different for boys and girls. In this study, teens were asked their opinions on alcohol/drug use and why they take part in it. While boys responded that they drink excessively to have a great time and at time to relax in new social situations, teen girls’ alcohol abuse is strongly associated with a need to self medicate. The factor causing this seems to be stress related to school and family issues, as reflected in the statistic that three times as many girls as boys reported symptoms of depression in 2008. [caption id="attachment_334" align="alignright" width="300" caption="Marijuana use among teenage girls has increased at almost double the rate of boys"][/caption] The aforementioned study showed that about 70 percent of girls agreed that “using drugs helps kids deal with problems at home.” And more than 50 percent stated that drugs help in forgetting problems. Drinking and drug abuse are up for both young men and young women, but for teenage girls marijuana use grew by 29 percent while it grew by 15 percent among boys. Reaction to the Study When drug and alcohol abuse are used to manage life’s issues it makes the addiction or habit more difficult to give up. It is therefore obvious that the parents of daughters (and sons, too!) need to be more buysoma careful about the typical factors that cause teen drug/alcohol abuse. This awareness can help parents nip the issue in the bud before it gets too bad. It’s not just about symptoms of drug use – it’s knowing which situations in a teen’s life will lead them to think drugs are the answer. Symptoms of Teen Drug Abuse and Teen Alcohol Abuse Teen alcohol abuse – The smell of alcohol on the breath, bloodshot eyes, unusually passive behavior, excessive argumentation, deterioration in appearance, flushed skin and memory loss are typical signs of alcohol abuse. A sudden change in typical behavior is something that you should watch out for too. Teen drug abuse – Frequent smell of tobacco, irritability, and discolored fingertips are signs of tobacco based teen drug abuse. Marijuana use may be indicated by redness of the eyes, sleepiness, lack of enthusiasm and excessive hunger. Depressants cause lowered inhibitions, poor motor coordination and lowered heart rate. Cold medication abuse causes sleepiness and a rapid or slow heart rate. Inhalants cause a runny nose, confusion or irritability and narcotics can result in excessive happiness, slowed breathing or coma. Anabolic steroids increase irritability, aggressiveness, muscle definition and lead to rapid loss of hair. In addition to that it is good to look out for any sudden change in personality, drop in grades or disinterest in activities that were earlier found interesting. You can also purchase a home drug test that can be kept and used at home.  There are many varieties (saliva, hair, etc.) including substance tests that will allow you to identify if a mysterious substance is indeed a drug. Sometimes the mere presence of these can desist teens from getting involved with drugs or alcohol, and help recovering teens stay on the course to sobriety. - Article by Anne Hamilton Photo credit: “Talk” by Vojko Kalan
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