Most Small Businesses don't drug test

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Running a business is difficult, whether your business is large or small. Having trustworthy and drug free employees should not be a worry for business owners, but unfortunately this is not the case. Most large companies have a drug test policy with 80% of Fortune 500 companies drug testing their employees. This fact can deter drug users from applying with those companies. The alternative to applying to big companies for fear of drug testing, is applying to small businesses.

Everyone knows that smaller companies are not as likely to drug test as larger companies are, so it usually is the answer for an avid user who is looking for employment, but cannot run the risk of being tested. Small businesses usually choose not to drug test their employees because it is too expensive or difficult, which is far from the truth.

Small businesses are at a huge disadvantage by not drug testing. For fear of expenses and difficulty coming with the testing, they do not have drug testing programs in place, but they are the target employer for a substance abuser. Having an employee that is an illicit drug user can not only have a negative effect on you, but your business as well. The amount of time invested in training a new employee is a major cost to a business and you don’t want to find out months later that your new employee has a drug problem.

If smaller businesses take the time to implement drug testing policy, they can ensure a safer and more productive work environment. Taking precautionary measures to secure your business and its workforce are crucial steps to ensure honesty and productivity from your workers, and it does not have to come at a great expense.

Having a drug testing policy is like using a dummy security camera to prevent theft in that it might just prevent drug users from applying to your company. Even adding a line to your job ads that says “must pass a drug test prior to hiring” can help you eliminate some potential applicants that know they cannot pass a drug test or posting a sign in the lobby or area that people apply for jobs that states that "This is Drug Free Workplace" or "We Conduct Drug Testing".

Workplace and employee safety are huge issues that must be considered by any business owner. However, these concerns do not mean that they require large sums of money to produce the wanted results. Implementing drug testing is an inexpensive and effective way to give you peace of mind when it comes to your business.  If you want to learn more about starting a drug free workplace at your small business visit the SBA Drug Free Workplace for more resources and links.

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