How To Improve Your Thyroid Health

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Once you have a thyroid condition it needs to be monitored and managed for life. This is irrespective of whether you are diagnosed of hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism, Grave’s Disease or any other hormonal disturbance related to the thyroid. It seems sensible to be aware of the state of your thyroid and try and prevent a thyroid condition rather than manage the thyroid problem all your life later. The first step that you need to take in order to prevent a thyroid condition is to ascertain the risk level that you are at. Females, those over the age of 60, those with a family history of a thyroid problem or those who have another autoimmune condition are at a higher risk of a thyroid condition. Those who have a diet high in iodine are at a higher risk of hyperthyroidism. On the other hand exposure to radiation, use of lithium in medication, Down Syndrome or Turner Syndrome are high risk indicators for hypothyroidism. Using a home thyroid test can help you in measuring your levels of TSH so that you are always aware of the proper functioning of your thyroid glands. A home thyroid test is extremely easy to use and removes the inconvenience of going to a center to get the thyroid hormone levels tested. While anyone can take this test, those at a higher risk should check their hormone levels more frequently. Needless to say, early detection can always prevent the problem from getting out of hand and sometimes the thyroid condition can be prevented from getting worse. Some tips that you can use to reduce the risk of getting a thyroid problem have been listed below. These can help you reduce the chances of getting a thyroid problem effectively. - Exposure to radiation can lead to thyroid problems. Ask for a thyroid collar when you are getting a dental x-ray or an x-ray of the neck, shoulder or collarbone area. - If you are a smoker, stop now! Not only does smoking increase the possibility of a thyroid condition, it is also harmful in many other ways. The thiocyanate toxin in cigarettes is particularly known to cause thyroid problems. - Regular testing can help you prevent thyroid conditions. German researchers found that if a patient has Hashimoto's autoimmune condition with the TSH under control, treatment options were possible to avoid the progression of the problem into a full blown thyroid condition. In certain cases the Hashimoto's disease was cured completely too. So use a home thyroid test regularly to identify such a condition and rid yourself of the problem before it is too late. - Avoid too much soy. While there is no specific research that proves that soy causes a thyroid problem, too much of everything is bad. While you can consume soy, be careful not to overdo it. - It is said that the inexpensive mineral supplement Selenium can help in preventing some kinds of thyroid conditions. - Fluoride was used to treat hyperthyroidism at some time. It reduces the activity of the thyroid and in a world where fluoride is presented to us in various forms an overdose needs to be guarded against. While these tips can help you prevent the obvious aspects that lead to thyroid issues, there is no denying that a home thyroid test done regularly can help you nip the condition in the bud allowing you to live a fuller and healthier life. So check out our home thyroid test!  It could be the first step you take to a healthier life. -  Anne Hamilton
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