Drug Driving Is Not Okay

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Awareness of the dangers of "drug driving" is growing around the world. Random drug testing is popular already among schools, parents, and workplaces, and demand is increasing every day to put it into action on roadways.  Why?  Because saliva drug testing is now seen as reliable enough to be used (our test for example is 97-98% accurate).  From today's Irish Times:
Sgt Trish Gill from Dublin city’s south central division told delegates at the annual conference of the Association of Garda Sergeants and Inspectors (Agsi) that roadside testing technology had progressed to such an extent in recent years that a drugs saliva test is now available to police forces.
And further down in the article...

She said both medication and illicit drugs could negatively impact driving in many different ways including impaired concentration, poor vision and an inability to properly judge speed and distance.

Drug driving was a major issue and needed to be tackled immediately with roadside testing similar to alcohol breath tests.

“Random alcohol testing has proven to be a success in reducing accidents. Random testing will have an additional effect on the overall consumption of drugs, as it has had on alcohol in some instances.”

The important thing is using a saliva drug test as a screen.  It indicates whether you are high or have used recently (since it can measure both recent use and current high, it's not enough to just read positive to get a case together for drug driving - you also have to be demonstrably out of control of your vehicle.  For employers and parents, this part does not matter -  a no drug policy is a no drug policy, regardless of whether you are high right this minute).  When DUI checkpoints are instituted in the United States, people drive more conservatively and a message about the seriousness of drinking and driving is sent.  Drug driving can be at least as dangerous.

You can get your own version of a drug driving test by purchasing a saliva drug test from Home Health Testing.  They are easy to use and non-invasive.  If you want to make sure someone you know is not drug driving, this is the test for you.  You can easily find out if someone has recently consumed Marijuana, Cocaine, Opiates, Methamphetamines, Amphetamines, or PCP.

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