Are you D-ficient?

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[caption id="attachment_652" align="aligncenter" width="397" caption="People who live in the gray northerly areas are at relatively greater risk for vitamin D deficiency."][/caption] According to a 2009 study by Harvard and University of Colorado most of us do not have sufficient levels of vitamin D. The study was published in the Archives of Internal Medicine and cited:
  • 70% of whites are vitamin D insufficient
  • 90% of Hispanics are vitamin D insufficient
  • 97% of blacks are vitamin D insufficient
Vitamin D is not your average vitamain, but is actually a hormone from the steriod hormone family which includes cortisol, estrogen, progesterone and testosterone.  The hormone, vitamin D, is crucial to optimal health since vitamin D receptors have been found in almost every type of human cell. If any of the following apply to you , there is a high chance you are vitamin D deficient:
  • rarely go out in the sun
  • always wear sunblock when outside
  • rarely expose arms and legs to the sun
  • live above 37 degrees latitude or north of Los Angeles or Atlanta
  • do not take a multivitamin or a vitamin D supplement
  • rarely eat fish celebrexhome like salmon or mackerel
  • have dark skin tone
  • older than 60
  • overweight
The highest rates of deficiency occurs in communities with darker skin colors which makes it harder to make vitamin D from the sun, therefore, African Americans have the highest rates of deficiency.  Another high risk group is the elderly because it becomes harder to synthesize vitamin D as we age.  Also the obese are at risk since vitamin D is stored in fat cells and it can get trapped in those cells if you are overweight. A vitamin D deficiency is defined as have 25-vitamin D levels below 20ng/ml.  You are vitamin D insufficient at levels between 21 and 29 ng/ml.  The sufficient level of vitamin d begins at 30ng/ml.  Research is now showing that the ideal level of vitamin D for optimal health is between 40 - 60 ng/ml. To find your vitamin D level you can take a vitamin D test.  In later posts we will cover the health benefits of vitamin D as reported in some recent studies.
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