Answering Some Hair Drug Test Questions

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You've just gotten back from the barber with a new look.  Your hair is gone - all gone.  Now the question is, you can't be hair drug tested if you have no hair, can you? [caption id="attachment_361" align="alignright" width="300" caption="got questions? ask us! send an email to cs at"]got questions?  ask us! send an email to cs at[/caption] Well, actually, you CAN still be hair drug tested.  It just depends if the person getting the test got the right test for you. Any test produced by HairConfirm will accept body gabapentinoral hair submissions.  Body hair grows more slowly than hair on your head, so the timeframe represented by a body hair submission is about one year.  That also means that it does not have the same starting point as hair from the head.  It takes about a week after use for drugs to show up in the hair; it takes longer for drugs to show up in body hair.  So choose body hair if you are interested in learning about drug use from a few months ago. You can collect body hair from the arms, the chest, the underarms, or the legs.  Try to collect 120 strands of body hair or more.  You gather body hair the same way you do hair from the head when submitting your sample - keep all the root ends together and fold the hair into the collection foil. [caption id="attachment_362" align="alignleft" width="150" caption="This test is the only one we carry that exclusively accepts hair from the head."]This test is the only one we carry that exclusively accepts hair from the head.[/caption] Another common question is if hair can be taken from a hairbrush for a test.  We do not recommend this as the laboratory could reject it as not collected properly.  If the sample is rejected for this reason, a refund will not be provided.  Another issue is that kids share hairbrushes all the time - there is no telling for certain that the hair on the brush is from your child.  Finally, the hair on the brush could be from varying time periods, thus disrupting the accuracy of the test. Any further questions about hair drug testing?  Please send us an email at cs at and we will gladly address any of your questions.  In the meantime be sure to check out our hair drug test page for more info!
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