3 Reasons to Take a Home Cholesterol Test

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“Cholesterol” – the word these days brings to mind only negative associations. Yet cholesterol is needed to live, and a significant proportion of the cholesterol present in our bodies is manufactured by the liver in a perfectly functional fashion. Cholesterol is not always a scary bag of potato chips.

Cholesterol is a fatty substance, a certain amount of which is required for hormone production and support of other cells. However, excessive cholesterol in the system can cause various ailments that may surprise you if you have not had your cholesterol checked. Being surprised by your cholesterol levels is unnecessary. You can order for a home cholesterol test easily over the Internet these days. But there are still many people who ignore the issue for various reasons.

Why should you take the Home Cholesterol Test?

1. High levels of total cholesterol, low levels of good cholesterol or high levels of bad cholesterol do not cause any immediate symptoms. There are no overt signals that the body sends out to indicate that there is trouble brewing inside. Much like high blood pressure, high cholesterol is a silent killer. It is therefore recommended if you are 20 or older that you check your cholesterol once every 5 years. Less frequent administration of a home cholesterol test is acceptable when you are younger.

2. The administration of a home cholesterol test does not take too much effort. All that you need to do is to purchase the test on the Internet and wait for the delivery of the parcel. A small prick of the finger is all that you need to do. All home cholesterol tests come with a detailed explanation of how to read the results so that you can ascertain your cholesterol levels for yourself.

3. It is said that the best cure is prevention, and this cannot be stressed enough in the case of a heart condition. High cholesterol levels indicate that cholesterol has built up on arterial walls, causing the gradual constriction and narrowing of the vessels. This condition is called atherosclerosis and can result in a heart attack sooner or later. There are also other diseases associated with the heart that can develop over time.

Who is at a Higher Risk?

While everyone above 20 should take the home cholesterol test once every 5 years, there are some people who may need to take this preventive measure more often. Those who have a sedentary lifestyle with almost no exercise, a poor diet that involves significant portions of junk food and saturated fats, smoking, and/or a family history of high cholesterol should get their cholesterol checked more often.

The good news is that controlling cholesterol levels and bringing them down to manageable levels is something that is possible. You may need to visit a nutritionist to have a customized low fat diet designed for you. Proper medication may also be required for those who have levels that are higher.

-Article by Anne Hamilton

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