
This is where Home Health Testing talks about stuff related to our industry!

Where to get a home drug test?

by | Friday, December 14, 2012 |

[caption id="attachment_1242" align="alignleft" width="300"] Home Drug Test at Walgreens[/caption] While it may be difficult to know where to look, you can now find home drug tests in most drug stores. The drug tests are typically found around other home tests or  "Health Monitors".  The drugstores offer multi panel drug tests that can test for four, six or twelve different drugs or a single test for Marijuana or Cocaine. Our recent survey of CVS, Walgreens and Walmart showed that a...

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Advertise Happiness

by | Thursday, December 6, 2012 |

After a long stressful day at work you come home to cook dinner, feed the dog, do the dishes and then finally settle down to unwind by watching television. As you try to relax you are assaulted with commercials about depression with a soothing voice asking "Are you sad?" or "Are you tired?". There are days the answer is yes, but does that mean medication is necessary. Then the Abilify commercial informs you that 2 out of 3 people being treated for depression still have symptoms of depression,...

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Marketing Oxy - at what cost?

by | Monday, September 17, 2012 |

Oxycontin is the number one selling prescription pain pill sold in the USA with sales reaching $3 billion per year.  There are other forms of prescription opioids and all together their sales have quadrupled over the last decade.  The warning bells are sounding in our country that we have a prescription painkiller epidemic on our hands. In 1998, Purdue Pharma the maker of Oxy, made a marketing video that was shown to 15,000 doctors that claimed Oxy was less addictive than other...

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Suboxone - Miracle Drug Relegated to the Streets

by | Friday, August 31, 2012 |

Suboxone (generic name: buprenorphine) has been called a miracle drug in the treatment of opiate addiction by doctors and addicts alike. It has been a legal prescription drug since Congress went out of its way to pass the Drug Addiction Treatment Act of 2000, which was solely aimed at allowing suboxone to come to market. Suboxone has been shown to save lives, reduce crime and reduce the spread of HIV infections. To top it off, unlike methadone, suboxone is almost impossible to over-dose on and...

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Put a face to Oxy Epidemic

by | Wednesday, August 1, 2012 |

If you want to put a face to the epidemic problem of painkillers in the USA, take a look at this video by the folks over at Oxy Watchdog.  Thanks Erin for sharing your story about your brother, Pat, and for allowing others to share their stories on your Memory Wall

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Prescription Drugs and America’s War on Drugs

by | Tuesday, July 31, 2012 |

Here’s a surprising and somewhat alarming statistic that was recently released by the National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH), an annual survey sponsored by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA): Of the 36,450 overdose deaths in the United States in 2008 20,044 were from prescription painkillers, more than all the illicit drugs combined. This is a brief breakdown on how these drugs were obtained for persons aged 12 or older in 2009-2010 who used pain...

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