Where to get a home drug test?

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Home Drug Test at Walgreens[/caption]

While it may be difficult to know where to look, you can now find home drug tests in most drug stores. The drug tests are typically found around other home tests or  "Health Monitors".  The drugstores offer multi panel drug tests that can test for four, six or twelve different drugs or a single test for Marijuana or Cocaine.

Our recent survey of CVS, Walgreens and Walmart showed that a twelve panel drug test averaged $39.41 and a Marijuana (THC) only test averaged $15.53

[caption id="attachment_1259" align="aligncenter" width="660"]

Drug Test Kits CVS[/caption]

Why are the drug tests at the stores more expensive than the ones you can buy online?

Here is the reason:

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at home drug test box[/caption]

While each of these home drug tests will give you a result in five minutes, the test actually includes laboratory testing if you choose to send the urine sample to the lab.  As you can see on the box it says "laboratory testing, if necessary".  If you use the at home drug test and get your answer in five minutes and choose not to send it to a lab, there is no refund of the included lab fees.

Before you purchase a home drug test, you need to decide if you will need lab testing.  Lab testing of a urine sample is typically used after a positive drug screen, but it is not required.  If you are using a drug test for yourself or someone else and the test is negative then you are finished.  However, if the test is positive you may want to send the urine sample to a lab so they can confirm if the test is actually positive for the drug you tested for or if it is a false positive caused from some other drug or chemical.  For example, the drug Zantac can cause a false positive on a Meth drug test.

While the drugstores averaged $15.53 for a marijuana test, over at homehealthtesting.com we sell a marijuana drug test for $1.90.  The test we sell is manufactured by the same company that sells the more expensive tests in stores, however it does not include the lab testing fees.  Some people believe the tests in the drug store are more expensive because they are more reliable and that is not true.  The truth is those tests include lab testing that you may not even use.

When looking for a home drug test, look for a test that is FDA cleared and it should clearly state the accuracy level of the test since it is required for the FDA approval.  If you get a positive result on a urine drug test, you can always take that urine sample to drug testing lab in your own town and get the lab confirmation, but you don't have to pay for that service until you need it.

You can rely on the quality of the cheap drug tests you find online, if they are FDA cleared.  In drug testing, don't be fooled with the "you get what you pay for attitude" and don't pay for something you don't need.

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